What Is Child Abuse Prevention Month?
Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed each April since its first presidential proclamation in 1983. Since that time, millions of Americans have participated in this national campaign. Individuals, organizations and communities across the United States plant pinwheels, tie ribbons, organize trainings, host fundraisers, and support a multitude of other activities celebrating healthy, happy childhoods and raising awareness that all children deserve to grow up in nurturing, safe homes.
Here are some things you can do to honor and celebrate April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Attend a Statewide Launch Event. Watch this website for dates and locations of events in your area and check out the prevention calendar on our home page.
Plan and host a Child Abuse Prevention month activity in your community.
Get schools, parent-teacher organizations, faith communities, businesses, hospitals, museums, libraries, and more involved in hosting activities, collecting donations for local charities or displaying pinwheels and blue ribbons.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more ideas and activities!
April 2025 Resources
Child Abuse Prevention Month can seem a bit overwhelming at times. How do I advertise? How do I get the word out to as many people and organizations as possible? How can I make it fun?
The 2025 Community Packet has those answers and so much more to make April 2024 a little easier! Download the 2025 packet today by clicking the image to the left.
One of the most visible ways you can show your support during Child Abuse Prevention Month is to participate in Wear Blue Day. It's as simple as it sounds: on April 4, 2025, simply WEAR BLUE and snap a picture of it. You can send that picture out on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtags #GreatChildhoods or #GoBlueIllinois or send them to us via email: tlee@pcaillinois.org.
Pinwheels For Prevention
One of the most popular ways to show your support for Child Abuse Prevention Month is to use pinwheels. The pinwheel is one symbol of Child Abuse Prevention Month and planting or displaying them in prominent areas is a great way to pique the public's curiosity.
You can order pinwheels through PCA Illinois by clicking HERE.
Be sure to get your orders in early as AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED.
Events Calendar
Throughout the month of April events take place in communities all over the state. These events draw attention to the work of the amazing agencies, programs, and individuals that strive to end child abuse in Illinois.
Be sure to send in your event details for posting on the PCA Illinois calendar which is shared online and in print throughout the state. You can submit your event online by clicking HERE.

Child Abuse Prevention Month is a far-reaching campaign that truly does reach to all corners of the state. As such it can be hard to keep track of just how many events are taking place and how they went. This page serves as a central hub for all the media coverage, videos and pictures of Child Abuse Prevention Month activities.
Children's Activities
Child Abuse Prevention Month is all about kids: keeping them safe and making sure they all grow up in safe nurturing homes. And while many activities during Child Abuse Prevention Month are geared towards adults and the role all of us can play, kids can still take part as well. Below are some easy activities that kids can do in support of Child Abuse Prevention Month!