Healthy Families Illinois for Parents & Caregivers
Welcome! This page is for parents and caregivers of children ages birth-5 who are currently receiving home visiting services, or who are looking for a home visiting program in their area. You will also find family friendly resources and activities for you to enjoy! If you have any questions, Brittney Hale at bhale@pcaillinois.org
What is Home Visiting?
Babies do not come with instruction manuals, but home visiting may be the next best thing, especially during this time in a child’s life. The prenatal period and the first years of life are important times for brain development that can lead to future success. Home visiting gives family support and education through planned, regular visits with a trained home visitor based on a family’s needs and schedules. Home visiting is a voluntary program, and home visitors work with parents on parenting skills as well as family bonding before birth and as children grow up.
Click below to watch a short video on home visiting services
How can Home Visiting benefit your family?
Free of charge and completely voluntary
Get support with your child(ren)'s health and development
Provides support to strengthen the bond between you and your child(ren)
Receive ongoing support and connections to resources in your community
If you have questions about home visiting or would like to find a program near you, please contact Brittney Hale at bhale@pcaillinois.org
Looking for fun activities and crafts that you can do with your family? Check out these easy, creative activities that will keep children playing, learning, and having fun!